Fairstone NI

Review and re-write of website copy to communicate expertise.


We were appointed by Fairstone Financial Management NI, part of the UK’s largest Chartered financial planning firm, to carry out a comprehensive review of its website copy.

The aim was to re-write and re-structure the organisation’s website to improve the way it communicated its services, helping it to attract potential new customers through website copy that was simple and jargon-free.

Client requirements

Having taken a detailed brief from the client, a project plan was created, which would allow for the review and editing of all the content and structure of the site, in line with their expectations.

This included reviewing service areas, information about the firm, staff profiles and client case studies, as well as information about the firm’s values and specialist services.

How we met their needs

Before copy writing could begin, a usability survey was conducted across the site, to review the site navigation and calls to action, resulting in a site restructure proposal.

Once approved, the pages were re-aligned and an in-depth review of the existing copy was made.

The copy was re-written to help Fairstone NI improve the way it communicated its brand to its target audiences – both individuals and corporate clients.

The new content was tailored to ensure that users of the website could quickly learn about the firm’s financial planning and mortgage services, with up to date news and case studies, and effective calls to action to get in touch for more financial planning information.

The copy was simple, jargon-free and written in such a way as to trigger action.


The new website presented the organisation in a more structured and easily navigable way, providing clear information about its services, with up to date testimonials and case studies from its clients to support these.

The project was delivered in line with the client’s expectations, allowing Fairstone NI to press ahead with the generation of additional content and a social media strategy that would support the driving of more users into the newly updated website.